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Parents & Teachers

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Teacher / Parent

Over the years I have been asked to speak at numerous BayArea preschools, elementary schools, and parent groups. In-services help teachers and parents learn about early language development and how to identify "red flags" for speech and language delays.  My team and I help recognize characteristics of children who may be on the autism spectrum or have other developmental difficulties requiring further assessment.


Participants are given examples of what to look for in children who may be struggling expressing themselves, acting out with negative behaviors, or showing signs of developmental challenges. Hitting, biting, crying, grunting, and pointing can be due to frustrations and limited language trying to get their needs met. Speech and language milestones are also explained.


Often teachers express concerns about different children's speech or language development or other behaviors, or parents compare their child to peers or siblings and are not sure when to be worried. Tamara allows time for questions, to discuss speech and language screenings, give tips for working with students in the classroom and at home, and where to go for evaluations or other medical advice. Please contact us to set up an in-service for your staff or parents with Tamara.

Parent Consultations

The way caregivers engage with infants and toddlers can have a huge impact on the child's speech, language, and social skill development. While speaking and playing with young children may come naturally to some people, others may not always know what to say or do to keep a child engaged on a daily basis, and they benefit from being taught new strategies and ways of play and speaking to keep children engaged and learning during daily routines.


Tamara enjoys spending time with parents and caregivers. She shares ideas how how to support language development as a child grows. She observes interactions with children in the home, school, or other environments, and gives positive and constructive feedback on how to make the most out of each situation. Preventing speech and language delays is a focus during caregiver consultations. Parents learn to communicate with their children during daily activities. Tamara works on enhancing and building on their skills to make the most of these interactions. She will teach you how to keep children engaged and learning in a positive ways. 


Consultations are a great way for new parents, grandparents, teachers, nannies, and others to learn teaching techniques, see the world through a child's eye, learn to reduce tantrums, set boundaries, and help children use whatever means of communication they can to get their needs met in a positive way. 


I am here to answer questions and guide you on your communication journey!

Schedule a FREE 20 minute telephone consultation today!

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I am here to answer questions and guide you on your communication journey!

Schedule a FREE 20 minute telephone consultation today!

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