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Set Your Child Up For
Success at Home

Tips and tricks for organizing toys & your home
to be a language rich environment from birth on!

In-Home Consultations To Enhance Language Development:

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PLAY - It's Not About What Toys You Have, It's How You Use Them That Matters

  • Learn how to use what you're child has to build play skills and enhance language skills with your child.

  • Get tips on how to organize puzzles and toys to help children learn organization, sorting, matching, and to make requests while engaging more with you.

  • We offer ideas on how to change up your child's play to keep the same toys exciting and fun.

  • It is not about learning ABC's and 123's. Discuss what functional vocabulary to focus on at different ages.









READING - It's Not About Having Books, It's How You Read That Matters​

  • ​Learn techniques on how to make the most out of reading to children at different ages from birth on.

  • Learn to identify key words and how to engage a child while reading a story. 

  • Discuss what helps children stay attentive and involved during story-time so they learn attend to new words and concepts.









DAILY ACTIVITIES - Tips for Structuring Your Home & Including Children

  • Talk about ways to change up monotonous routines to make them fun for children while learning new vocabulary and turn-taking skills.

  • Make meal-time, bath-time, getting dressed, shopping, clean-up time, laundry-time, potty-training etc. language rich activities and enjoyable for all.

  • Learn how to designate different areas in the home to be child friendly and make daily routines easier for all while building communication skills. 









  • ​Let us guide you on helping prevent toddler tantrums and melt-downs by recognizing your child's triggers, frustrations, or communication limitations. 

  • Learn how to build and maintain positive interactions between you and your child, and learn strategies for structuring your toddler's day and understanding how they think.

  • We are trained in child development, enhancing communication interactions, and identifying communication delays and disorders. Our goal is to help parents and children engage in positive ways to help get their needs met while building confidence and independence, and carry these skills over to other settings and relationships with peers and others. â€‹









  • Learn what speech, language, play skills, and social skills will help your child transition more easily to Kindergarten.

  • We can help you review and introduce new school vocabulary, routines, and classroom expectations to your child so they know what to expect.​

I am here to answer questions and guide you on your communication journey!

Schedule a FREE 20 minute telephone consultation today!

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